)!Arial9"winspoolCutePDF WriterCPW2:`CutePDF WriterS odXXLetterPRIV0''''\KhCDRIVER=winspool DEVICE=CutePDF Writer OUTPUT=CPW2: ORIENTATION=1 PAPERSIZE=9 SCALE=100 ASCII=100 COPIES=1 DEFAULTSOURCE=15 PRINTQUALITY=600 COLOR=2 YRESOLUTION=600 TTOPTION=2 COLLATE=1  gr.consignorArialgr.dt Arialallt(str(gr.gr_no)) Arial item_code Arialallt(company.comp_name) Arialtallt(company.address1) + allt(company.address2) + "," + allt(company.city) + " PIN Code : " + allt(company.pin_code) ArialA"Phone : " + allt(company.phone) + " Fax : " + allt(company.fax) ArialArial"C.N. NO. : HCSN /"Arial"Booking Date :"Arial "Consignor :" "For " + allt(company.comp_name) ArialArial"Auth. Signatory"Arial"Vehicle No. :" gr.trk_no Arialwt Arialqty ArialArial"Terms and Condition:"Ariald"A) The Goods are Booked at Owner's Risk unless / otherwise specifically certified by the Company."Arial{"B) The Company will not be responsible for Leakage / damage by Sun, Fire, Rain or Loss by Theft, Pilferage, Civil Riots."Arial"C) The Company shall not be responsible if the goods are detained, seized, or confiscated by Government or Public authorities."Arial"D) The Consignor shall be responsible to pay Octroi, Govt Taxes, Penalty, terminal tax, demurrages & other incidental charges, if any as imposed demanded by the Govt for the goods dispatched."Ariald"E) Company takes no responsible for breakdown of vehicle enroute and of the consequences thereof."Arial7"F) All disputes are subject to jurisdiction of Delhi"Arial"CONSIGNMENT NOTE"."Service Tax No : " + allt(company.ser_tax_no) Arial""PAN No : " + allt(company.pan_no) ArialArial"AT OWNER'S RISK"Arial"To Billed At"Arial"Mode of Payment"Arial"TBB"Arial"To Pay"Arial"Paid"Arial"Service Tax Payable by"Arial "Consignor"Arial "Consignee"Arial "Transporter"Arial"Billing Party"Arial "Address :" consignor.add Arial gr.consignee ArialArial "Consignor :"Arial "Address :" consignee.add ArialArial "Phone :"Arial "Phone :"Arial"Container No. :" gr.cont_no1 ArialArial "Seal No. :" gr.seal_no1 ArialArial "Ref. No. :" gr.ref_no ArialArial "No of Pkgs"Arial#"Nature of Goods (Said to Contain)""@I"Arial "Net Weight""@I"Arial"Gross Weight"Arial"Rate""@I"Arial "Freight Rs."Arial"Acknowledgement"gr.notes ArialArial"Invoice No. :"Arial"Invoice Dt. :"Arial"Invoice Value. :"Arial"Receiver Signature" gr.ref_inv_no Arialttod(gr.ref_inv_dt) Arial!empty(gr.ref_inv_dt) gr.pkgs_value Arialconsignor.phone_no Arialconsignee.phone_no ArialArial "CST No :"Arial "CST No :"consignor.cst_no Arialconsignee.cst_no ArialArial "LST No :"Arial "LST No :"consignor.st_no Arialconsignee.st_no ArialArial!empty(gr.cont_no2) "Container No. :" gr.cont_no2 Arial!empty(gr.cont_no2)Arial!empty(gr.cont_no2)  "Seal No. :" gr.seal_no1 Arial!empty(gr.cont_no2)_sl_no00ArialArialArialArialArialArialArialdataenvironmentaTop = 266 Left = 278 Width = 520 Height = 200 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment"