Œ!ArialëÛ<%winspoolGeneric / Text OnlyLPT1:ÔGeneric / Text Only”@fx@MSUDGeneric / Text Only€dŠDRIVER=winspool DEVICE=Generic / Text Only OUTPUT=LPT1: PAPERSIZE=258 DEFAULTSOURCE=260 PRINTQUALITY=120 YRESOLUTION=6 TTOPTION=1 "@I" Roman 10cpi"DEPB DECLARATION" Roman 10cpi"ANNEXURE 'D'" Roman 12cpi"Shiping Bill No. and date" Roman 12cpiQ" with the buyer/consignee in pursuance of which the goods are being exported." Roman 12cpiO" Bill are in accordance with the terms of the exports contract entered into" Roman 12cpiN"1. That the quality and specification of the goods as stated in this Shiping"%allt(sb_no) + " " + allt(dtoc(sb_dt))  Roman 12cpiU"I/We, " + allt(ac_Desc) + " (Name of the Exporter) do hereby declare as follows :- "  Roman 12cpi Roman 12cpiC" Ministry of Commerce Notification No. 539RE/92-97 dated 1.3.95" Roman 12cpiJ' (Replenishment of Iron and Steel Intermediates) Scheme" notified vide' Roman 12cpiJ'2. That I/We are not claiming benefit under "Engineering Products Export' Roman 12cpi'" Export & Import Policy, 1997-2002." Roman 12cpiH"3. That goods are being exported under DEPB scheme as per para 7.25 of" Roman 12cpiB" scheme in respect of exports made against this Shipping Bill." Roman 12cpiK"4. That I/We shall not claim any benefit of an advance licence under DEEC" Roman 12cpi " against this Shipping Bill." Roman 12cpiM"5. That I/We shall not claim any duty drawback in respect of goods exported" Roman 12cpi6" drawback Shipping Bill and/Or DEEC Shipping bill." Roman 12cpiI"6. That I/We shall not claim conversion of this Shipping Bill into duty" Roman 12cpiG" in respect of additional duty of Customs debited from DEPB credit." Roman 12cpiL"7. That I/We shall not claim credit under Rule 57A of Central Excise, 1994" Roman 12cpiM" 100% export oriented unit in terms of Import and Export Policy in force." Roman 12cpiL"8. That the goods are not manufactured and/or exported by unit licenced as" Roman 12cpiD" in any free trade zone/export processing zone or any such zone." Roman 12cpiI"9. That the goods are not manufactured and/or exported by unit situated" Roman 12cpi*" Section 65 of the Customs Act, 1962." Roman 12cpiH"10. That the goods are not manufactured partly or wholly in bond under"Arial Roman 10cpi Roman 12cpi Roman 12cpidataenvironmentName = "Dataenvironment"