@DRIVER=winspool DEVICE=Nitro PDF Creator (Pro 8) OUTPUT=Nitro PDF Port: ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=258 SCALE=100 COPIES=1 PRINTQUALITY=-4 COLOR=2 COLLATE=0 N-winspoolNitro PDF Creator (Pro 8)Nitro PDF Port:Nitro PDF Creator (Pro 8)@ 4dA4MDEP''''NotSetMy DocumentsK K dx!Arial"4. Date of examination" Roman 12cpi"1. Name of EOU" Roman 12cpi*allt(ship_name) + chr(10) + allt(ship_add)  Roman 12cpi0"OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF CENTRAL EXCISE" Roman 10cpi>"RANGE........................DIVISION......................." Roman 10cpi>"COMMISSIONERATE............................................." Roman 10cpi"ANNEXURE 'C-1'" Roman 10cpi"C.NO." Roman 10cpi"Date" Roman 10cpi"Shipping Bill No." Roman 10cpi"Date" Roman 10cpi'"EXAMINATION REPORT FOR FACTORY SEALED" Roman 12cpi"PACKAGES/CONTAINER OF" Roman 12cpi%"UNITS WORKING UNDER 100% EOU SCHEME" Roman 12cpi allt(ac_desc)  Roman 12cpi"2. IEC No. (of the EOU)" Roman 12cpiallt(mast_cur.imp_code)"" Roman 12cpi"3. Factory Address" Roman 12cpi allt(add)  Roman 12cpi("5. Name & designation of the examining" Roman 12cpi*"6. Name & designation of the supervising" Roman 12cpi/"7. (a) Name of Commissionerate/Division/Range" Roman 12cpi" (b) Location Code" Roman 12cpi#"8. Parituculars of export Invoice" Roman 12cpiN" (a) Export Invoice No. " + allt(invo_no) + " dated " + allt(dtoc(invo_dt))  Roman 12cpi" (b) Total No. of packages" Roman 12cpi=allt(contr) + " " + allt(str(no_bale)) + " " + allt(bale_box)  Roman 12cpi1" (c) Name and address of the consignee abroad" Roman 12cpi5"9. (a) Is the description of the goods the quantity" Roman 12cpi8" and their value as per particulars furnished in" Roman 12cpi" the export invoice?" Roman 12cpi4" (b) whether sample is drawn for being forwarded" Roman 12cpi" to Port of export?" Roman 12cpi" Officer-Inspector/EO/PO" Roman 12cpi%" Officer-Appraiser/Superintendent" Roman 12cpiArial Roman 12cpi Roman 12cpi Roman 10cpidataenvironmentYTop = 0 Left = 0 Width = 0 Height = 0 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment" DRIVER=winspool DEVICE=Nitro PDF Creator (Pro 8) OUTPUT=Nitro PDF Port: ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=258 SCALE=100 COPIES=1 PRINTQUALITY=-4 COLOR=2 COLLATE=0 N-winspoolNitro PDF Creator (Pro 8)Nitro PDF Port:Nitro PDF Creator (Pro 8)@ 4dA4MDEP''''NotSetMy DocumentsK K dx!Arial"4. Date of examination" Roman 12cpi"1. Name of EOU" Roman 12cpi*allt(ship_name) + chr(10) + allt(ship_add)  Roman 12cpi0"OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF CENTRAL EXCISE" Roman 10cpi>"RANGE........................DIVISION......................." Roman 10cpi>"COMMISSIONERATE............................................." Roman 10cpi"ANNEXURE 'C-1'" Roman 10cpi"C.NO." Roman 10cpi"Date" Roman 10cpi"Shipping Bill No." Roman 10cpi"Date" Roman 10cpi'"EXAMINATION REPORT FOR FACTORY SEALED" Roman 12cpi"PACKAGES/CONTAINER OF" Roman 12cpi%"UNITS WORKING UNDER 100% EOU SCHEME" Roman 12cpi allt(ac_desc)  Roman 12cpi"2. IEC No. (of the EOU)" Roman 12cpiallt(mast_cur.imp_code)"" Roman 12cpi"3. Factory Address" Roman 12cpi allt(add)  Roman 12cpi("5. Name & designation of the examining" Roman 12cpi*"6. Name & designation of the supervising" Roman 12cpi/"7. (a) Name of Commissionerate/Division/Range" Roman 12cpi" (b) Location Code" Roman 12cpi#"8. Parituculars of export Invoice" Roman 12cpiN" (a) Export Invoice No. " + allt(invo_no) + " dated " + allt(dtoc(invo_dt))  Roman 12cpi" (b) Total No. of packages" Roman 12cpi=allt(contr) + " " + allt(str(no_bale)) + " " + allt(bale_box)  Roman 12cpi1" (c) Name and address of the consignee abroad" Roman 12cpi5"9. (a) Is the description of the goods the quantity" Roman 12cpi8" and their value as per particulars furnished in" Roman 12cpi" the export invoice?" Roman 12cpi4" (b) whether sample is drawn for being forwarded" Roman 12cpi" to Port of export?" Roman 12cpi" Officer-Inspector/EO/PO" Roman 12cpi%" Officer-Appraiser/Superintendent" Roman 12cpiArial Roman 12cpi Roman 12cpi Roman 10cpidataenvironmentYTop = 0 Left = 0 Width = 0 Height = 0 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment"