@%ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=9 COLOR=2 r OUTPUT=CPW2: ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=9 SCALE=100 ASCII=0 COPIES=1 DEFAULTSOURCE=15 PRINTQUALITY=600 COLOR=2 YRESOLUTION=600 TTOPTION=3 COLLATE=1 9"winspoolCutePDF WriterCPW2:Arial0"We hereby authorise " + allt(company.comp_name)Arial" of M/s " + allt(ship_name) Arial'allt(item_code) + "-" + allt(item_desc)Ariale"1. I/We declare that the contents of Invoice(s) No.(s) " + allt(invo_no) + " dated " + dtoc(invo_dt) Arial_ini + allt(job_no) Arial "DECLARATION"ArialL" and other document relating to the goods covered by the said Invoice(s)"Arial "(To be signed by an importer )" Roman 12cpi>" presented herewith are true and correct in every respect."Arial"*With C.H.A."Arial"* OR Without C.H.A"ArialL"1. I/We declare that the contents of this bill of entry for goods imported"Arial=" against Bill of Lading No. Dt. are in"Arial=" accordance with the Inoice No. Dt. "ArialG" and other documents presented herewith. I/We also declare that the"ArialI" contents of the above mentioned inoice(s) and documents are true and"ArialJ"2. I/We declare that i/We have not received and do not know of any other"ArialJ" documents or information showing a different price, value, (including"ArialD" local payments whether as commission or otherwise), quantity or"ArialG" description of the said goods and that if any time hereafter, I/We"ArialF" discover any information showing a different state of facts, I/We"ArialF" will immediately make the same known to the Collector of Customs."ArialL"3. I/We declare that goods covered by the bill of entry have been imported"Arial2" on an out-right purchase/consignment account."Arial?"4. I/We am/are not connected with suppliers/manufacturers as:"ArialI" (a) Agents/Distributor/Indentor/Branch/Subsidiary/Concessionaire and"ArialI" (b) Collaborator entitled to the use of trade mark, patent or design"Arial8" (c) Otherwise than an ordinary importers or buyers."ArialH"5. I/We declare that the method of invoicing has not charged since the"ArialG" date on which my/our books of accounts and / or agreement with the"Arial7" suppliers were examined previosly by Custom House."Arial,"N.B. :- Strike out whichever inapplicable."Arial"LETTER OF AUTHORITY" Roman 12cpi"To,"Arial"Asstt.Commissoner of Customs"Arial"Import Deptt.,Group"Arial"Customs House"Arial "Dear Sir"ArialÍ"Sub: S.S." + iif(empty(fed_vesel),allt(vesel_name),allt(fed_vesel)) + "(" + allt(ship_line) + ") - " + allt(contr) + "-" + allt(str(no_bale)) + " " + allt(bale_box) + "-" + allt(str(g_wt,9,3)) + " KGS OF"ArialD"as our Clearing Agent to clear our above mentioned consignment for"Arial"Thanking you,"Arial"Address Stamp"Arial&"Rubber Stamp & Signature of Importer"Arial‹allt(company.address1) + " " + allt(company.address2) + " " + allt(company.city) + " " + allt(company.state) + "-" + allt(company.pin_code)Arialplc_del Roman 12cpi3allt(plc_del) + ' Port / ICD ' +' , on our behalf.' Roman 12cpiZ" -B/L No.: " + allt(bill_l_no) + " Dt. " + iif(empty(bill_l_dt),"",dtoc(ttod(bill_l_dt)))ArialArialArialArial Roman 12cpi Roman 12cpiArialdataenvironmentYTop = 0 Left = 0 Width = 0 Height = 0 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment" ÅDRIVER=winspool DEVICE=CutePDF Writer OUTPUT=CPW2: ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=9 SCALE=100 ASCII=0 COPIES=1 DEFAULTSOURCE=15 PRINTQUALITY=600 COLOR=2 YRESOLUTION=600 TTOPTION=3 COLLATE=1 9"winspoolCutePDF WriterCPW2:Arial0"We hereby authorise " + allt(company.comp_name)Arial" of M/s " + allt(ship_name) Arial'allt(item_code) + "-" + allt(item_desc)Ariale"1. I/We declare that the contents of Invoice(s) No.(s) " + allt(invo_no) + " dated " + dtoc(invo_dt) Arial_ini + allt(job_no) Arial "DECLARATION"ArialL" and other document relating to the goods covered by the said Invoice(s)"Arial "(To be signed by an importer )" Roman 12cpi>" presented herewith are true and correct in every respect."Arial"*With C.H.A."Arial"* OR Without C.H.A"ArialL"1. I/We declare that the contents of this bill of entry for goods imported"Arial=" against Bill of Lading No. Dt. are in"Arial=" accordance with the Inoice No. Dt. "ArialG" and other documents presented herewith. I/We also declare that the"ArialI" contents of the above mentioned inoice(s) and documents are true and"ArialJ"2. I/We declare that i/We have not received and do not know of any other"ArialJ" documents or information showing a different price, value, (including"ArialD" local payments whether as commission or otherwise), quantity or"ArialG" description of the said goods and that if any time hereafter, I/We"ArialF" discover any information showing a different state of facts, I/We"ArialF" will immediately make the same known to the Collector of Customs."ArialL"3. I/We declare that goods covered by the bill of entry have been imported"Arial2" on an out-right purchase/consignment account."Arial?"4. I/We am/are not connected with suppliers/manufacturers as:"ArialI" (a) Agents/Distributor/Indentor/Branch/Subsidiary/Concessionaire and"ArialI" (b) Collaborator entitled to the use of trade mark, patent or design"Arial8" (c) Otherwise than an ordinary importers or buyers."ArialH"5. I/We declare that the method of invoicing has not charged since the"ArialG" date on which my/our books of accounts and / or agreement with the"Arial7" suppliers were examined previosly by Custom House."Arial,"N.B. :- Strike out whichever inapplicable."Arial"LETTER OF AUTHORITY" Roman 12cpi"To,"Arial"Asstt.Commissoner of Customs"Arial"Import Deptt.,Group"Arial"Customs House"Arial "Dear Sir"ArialÍ"Sub: S.S." + iif(empty(fed_vesel),allt(vesel_name),allt(fed_vesel)) + "(" + allt(ship_line) + ") - " + allt(contr) + "-" + allt(str(no_bale)) + " " + allt(bale_box) + "-" + allt(str(g_wt,9,3)) + " KGS OF"ArialD"as our Clearing Agent to clear our above mentioned consignment for"Arial"Thanking you,"Arial"Address Stamp"Arial&"Rubber Stamp & Signature of Importer"Arial‹allt(company.address1) + " " + allt(company.address2) + " " + allt(company.city) + " " + allt(company.state) + "-" + allt(company.pin_code)Arialplc_del Roman 12cpi3allt(plc_del) + ' Port / ICD ' +' , on our behalf.' Roman 12cpiZ" -B/L No.: " + allt(bill_l_no) + " Dt. " + iif(empty(bill_l_dt),"",dtoc(ttod(bill_l_dt)))ArialArialArialArial Roman 12cpi Roman 12cpiArialdataenvironmentYTop = 0 Left = 0 Width = 0 Height = 0 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment"