!Arial@winspoolbill_of_entryLPT1:LPT1:bill_of_entry@f x@MSUDGeneric / Text OnlydDRIVER=winspool DEVICE=bill_of_entry OUTPUT=LPT1: PAPERSIZE=256 PAPERLENGTH=3048 PAPERWIDTH=3810 DEFAULTSOURCE=260 PRINTQUALITY=120 YRESOLUTION=6 TTOPTION=1 JOB_NO mode_tran  Roman 10cpicompany.comp_name  Roman 10cpiallt(company.address1) + " " + allt(company.address2) + " " + allt(company.city) + " " + allt(company.state) + "-" + allt(company.pin_code)  Roman 10cpi1,allt(str(_amount_ttl - _amount_pg,10,2)) + chr(10),"") + _amount  Roman 10cpi?allt(IntegerToWords(allt(str(no_bale)))) + " " + ALLT(BALE_BOX)  Roman 10cpi1allt(IntegerToWords(allt(str(job_item.ass_amt))))  Roman 10cpiZallt(ITEM_CAT.RITC_NO) + CHR(10) + allt(ITEM.ITEM_DESC) + " - " + allt(JOB_ITEM.ITEM_CODE)  Roman 10cpi"NIL"  Roman 10cpiEMPTY(job_item.sad_amt) and empty(job_item.cess_amt) and empty(job_item.cvd_amt) and empty(job_item.add_amt) and empty(job_item.excise_amt)"NIL"  Roman 10cpiEMPTY(job_item.sad_amt) and empty(job_item.cess_amt) and empty(job_item.cvd_amt) and empty(job_item.add_amt) and empty(job_item.excise_amt)_ini + ALLT(JOB_NO)  Roman 10cpiwallt(str(NO_CONT)) + "x" + allt(CONT_TYPE) + " " + ALLT(CONT_BOX) + " STC " + ALLT(STR(NO_BALE)) + " " + ALLT(BALE_BOX)  Roman 10cpi _sl_no = 1#ALLT(ac_desc) + chr(10) + allt(ADD)  Roman 10cpi VESEL_NAME  Roman 10cpiALLT(PORT_LOAD)  Roman 10cpi-ALLT(BILL_L_NO) + " Dt. " + DTOC(BILL_L_DT)  Roman 10cpiallt(containers)  Roman 12cpi)allt(str(WEIGHT,9,3))+ chr(10) + "M.TONS"  Roman 10cpi5allt(item_cat.cth) + chr(10) + allt(ITEM_CAT.DEPB_NO)  Roman 10cpiallt(item_cat.ceth)  Roman 10cpijob_item.DUTY_AMT  Roman 10cpi&job_item.duty_amt <> job_item.depb_amt&allt(str(G_WT,12,3)) + chr(10) + "KGS"  Roman 10cpi$ALLT(FR_TYPE) + "/" + ALLT(CURRENCY)  Roman 10cpi"48"  Roman 10cpi EXCH_RATE  Roman 10cpiEiif(_pageno<>1,allt(str(_ass_ttl - _ass_pg)) +"/-"+chr(10),"") + _ass  Roman 10cpigallt(BILL_L_NO) + " " + dtoc(BILL_L_dt) + CHR(10) + chr(10) + allt(INVO_NO) + " " + dtoc(INVO_dt)  Roman 10cpi2"FREELY IMPORTABLE AS PER IMPORT POLICY 1997-2002"  Roman 10cpiB"DEPB DEBITED DUTY RS." + ALLT(STR(JOB_ITEM.DEPB_AMT,12,2)) + "/-"  Roman 10cpi!empty(job_item.depb_amt)6"DUTY RATE " + ALLT(STR(job_item.BASIC_DTY,6,2)) + "%"  Roman 10cpi!empty(job_item.depb_amt)Riif(_pageno<>1,allt(str(_freight_ttl - _freight_pg,10,2)) + chr(10),"") + _freight  Roman 10cpiIiif(_pageno<>1,allt(str(_insu_ttl - _insu_pg,10,2)) + chr(10),"") + _insu  Roman 10cpi ALLT(origin)  Roman 10cpi1ALLT(MAST.IMP_CODE) + chr(10) + ALLT(MAST.BIN_NO)  Roman 10cpi"@I" Roman 10cpi "JNP" FED_VESEL  Roman 10cpi ALLT(CNMT)  Roman 10cpijob_item.ass_amt  Roman 10cpi"N/A"  Roman 10cpi"N/A"  Roman 10cpi"N/A"  Roman 10cpib"For " + allt(company.comp_name) + chr(10) + chr(10) + chr(10) + chr(10) + allt(company.signatory)  Roman 10cpiFjob_item.ass_amt + iif(!empty(job_item.depb_amt),0,job_item.basic_amt)  Roman 10cpijob_item.amount  Roman 10cpijob_item.freight  Roman 10cpi job_item.insu  Roman 10cpijob_item.loading  Roman 10cpijround((job_item.amount * EXCH_RATE) + (job_item.loading + EXCH_RATE) + job_item.FREIGHT + job_item.INSU,0)  Roman 10cpirround(((job_item.amount * EXCH_RATE) + (job_item.loading + EXCH_RATE) + job_item.FREIGHT + job_item.INSU) * .01,0)  Roman 10cpiround(job_item.ASS_AMT,0)  Roman 10cpiRiif(_pageno<>1,allt(str(_loading_ttl - _loading_pg,10,2)) + chr(10),"") + _loading  Roman 10cpiQiif(_pageno<>1,allt(str(_ttl_val_ttl - _ttl_val_pg)) +"/-"+chr(10),"") + _ttl_val  Roman 10cpiRiif(_pageno<>1,allt(str(_landing_ttl - _landing_pg)) +"/-"+ chr(10),"") + _landing  Roman 10cpi"NIL"  Roman 10cpi%job_item.duty_amt = job_item.depb_amt"DEPB No. : " + allt(_depb_no)  Roman 10cpi!empty(job_item.depb_amt)date()  Roman 10cpiallt(company.cha_no)  Roman 10cpi"@I" Roman 10cpi "-"".NIL"  Roman 10cpi "| | | | | |"  Roman 10cpi "| | | | | |"  Roman 10cpi"."  Roman 10cpiempty(job_item.depb_amt)"."  Roman 10cpiempty(job_item.depb_amt)"."  Roman 10cpiempty(job_item.depb_amt) allt(str(job_item.sad_amt,10,2))  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.sad_amt) (allt(str(job_item.sad_dty,6,2)) + "%SAD"  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.sad_dty)  allt(str(job_item.cvd_amt,10,2))  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.cvd_amt) %allt(str(job_item.cvd_dty,6,2)) + "%"  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.cvd_dty) !allt(str(job_item.cess_amt,10,2))  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.cess_amt) *allt(str(job_item.cess_dty,6,3)) + "%Cess"  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.cess_dty)  allt(str(job_item.add_amt,10,2))  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.add_amt) )allt(str(job_item.add_dty,6,2)) + "%Addi"  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.add_dty) #allt(str(job_item.excise_amt,10,2))  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.excise_amt) -allt(str(job_item.excise_dty,6,2)) + "%Exci."  Roman 10cpi!EMPTY(job_item.excise_dty) "."  Roman 10cpi"."  Roman 10cpi"."  Roman 10cpi"."  Roman 10cpi"."  Roman 10cpi"."  Roman 10cpi"."  Roman 10cpi"."  Roman 10cpi_SL_NO10_amount3_amount + allt(str(job_item.amount,10,2)) + chr(10)""_LOADING5_loading + allt(str(job_item.loading,10,2)) + chr(10)""_freight5_freight + allt(str(job_item.freight,10,2)) + chr(10)""_insu/_insu + allt(str(job_item.insu,10,2)) + chr(10)""_ttl_val_ttl_val + allt(str(round((job_item.amount * EXCH_RATE) + (job_item.loading + EXCH_RATE) + job_item.FREIGHT + job_item.INSU,0))) + "/-" +chr(10)""_landing_landing + allt(str(round(((job_item.amount * EXCH_RATE) + (job_item.loading + EXCH_RATE) + job_item.FREIGHT + job_item.INSU) * .01,0))) + "/-" + chr(10)""_ass<_ass + ALLT(STR(round(job_item.ASS_AMT,0))) + "/-" + chr(10)"" _amount_ttljob_item.amount0 _freight_ttljob_item.freight0 _insu_ttl job_item.insu0 _loading_ttljob_item.loading0 _ttl_val_ttljround((job_item.amount * EXCH_RATE) + (job_item.loading + EXCH_RATE) + job_item.FREIGHT + job_item.INSU,0)0 _landing_ttlrround(((job_item.amount * EXCH_RATE) + (job_item.loading + EXCH_RATE) + job_item.FREIGHT + job_item.INSU) * .01,0)0_ass_ttlround(job_item.ASS_AMT,0)0 _amount_pgjob_item.amount0 _freight_pgjob_item.freight0_insu_pg job_item.insu0 _loading_pgjob_item.loading0 _ttl_val_pgjround((job_item.amount * EXCH_RATE) + (job_item.loading + EXCH_RATE) + job_item.FREIGHT + job_item.INSU,0)0 _landing_pgrround(((job_item.amount * EXCH_RATE) + (job_item.loading + EXCH_RATE) + job_item.FREIGHT + job_item.INSU) * .01,0)0_ass_pground(job_item.ASS_AMT,0)0Arial Roman 10cpi Roman 12cpidataenvironmenthLeft = 1 Top = 220 Width = 632 Height = 391 InitialSelectedAlias = "job" Name = "Dataenvironment"