$!ArialN-winspoolNitro PDF Creator (Pro 8)Nitro PDF Port:ÜNitro PDF Creator (Pro 8)ś@Ť š 4dü˙A4MDEP''''NotSetŔđ˙˙My Documents–K –K – dHˇDRIVER=winspool DEVICE=Nitro PDF Creator (Pro 8) OUTPUT=Nitro PDF Port: ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=9 SCALE=100 COPIES=1 PRINTQUALITY=-4 COLOR=2 COLLATE=0 bill_no tax_orderArial "D E S C R I P T I O N"Arial!empty(bill.job_no)  "Value Rs."u": " + iif(job.job_type="IMP",allt(str(job.ass_amt,12,2)),allt(str(job.fob_amt,12,2))) + " of " + allt(job.item_code) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)": " + allt(bill.job_no) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no)  "Job No." JOB.JOB_dt Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no)  "Inv. No."": " + allt(job.bill_et) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)job.bill_et_dt Arial": " + allt(job.vesel_name) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no)  "Vessel/Flt"k": " + allt(job.contr) + " " + allt(job.cont_box) + " " + allt(str(job.no_bale)) + " " + allt(job.bale_box) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no)  "No. of Pkg."/": " + allt(str(job.g_wt / 1000,12,4)) + " MTS" Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no)  "Gross Wt."Arial!empty(bill.job_no) "IGM/EGM/Item No."": " + allt(job.ship_name)Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no)  "Consignee"": " + allt(job.invo_no) Arial!empty(bill.job_no) job.invo_dt ArialArial!empty(bill.job_no)  "B/L No."": " + allt(job.bill_l_no) Arial!empty(bill.job_no) job.bill_l_dt Arialb": " + allt(job.currency) + " " + allt(str(job.amt,12,2)) + " Ex." + allt(str(job.exch_rate,6,2)) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no)  "Invo.Value"": " + allt(job.port_disc) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no) "Port of Discharge"": " + allt(job.thoka_no) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no)  "B/E/S.B No."t": " + allt(company.ini) + allt(str(bill.bill_no)) + "/" + right(dtoc(_fi_st_dt),2) + "-" + right(dtoc(_fi_ed_dt),2) ArialArial  "Invoice No."S"M/s " + allt(iif(empty(mast_cur.ac_desc_disp),bill.ac_desc,mast_cur.ac_desc_disp)) Arial": " + dtoc(bill.bill_dt) ArialArial "Date"@iif(bill.address = "",ALLT(mast_cur.ac_add1),ALLT(bill.address))Arialac_desc Arialamount ArialArial "AMOUNT""(" + allt(particular) + ")" Arial!EMPTY(PARTICULAR)Allt(company.signatory) Arial""Total : " + allt(bill.TOT_IN_WRD) Arial bill.TOTAL ArialArial  "Total Rs." "For " + Allt(company.comp_name) Arials"Interest 18% will be charged on unpaid Bills " + chr(10) + "Subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction" + chr(10) + "E.& O.E." Arial job.thoka_dt Arialcompany.comp_name Arial‹allt(company.address1) + " " + allt(company.address2) + " " + allt(company.city) + " " + allt(company.state) + "-" + allt(company.pin_code) Arial¬"Phone-" + allt(company.phone) + " Fax-" + allt(company.fax) + " E-Mail - " + allt(company.e_mail) + ",info@sharadchandrapshah.com Visit Us At :www.sharadchandrapshah.com" Arial#"CHA No. : " + allt(company.cha_no) Arial   #"PAN No. : " + allt(company.pan_no)Arial$"CIN No. : " + allt(company.cin_no)Arial-"Consignee PAN No : " + allt(mast_cur.pan_no)Arial!empty(mast_cur.pan_no)sacArialArial "SAC" I"GSTIN No : " + allt(iif(empty(bill.gst_no),mast_cur.gst_no,bill.gst_no))Arial!empty(mast_cur.gst_no)": " + state.stateArialArial "State"": " + state.state_codeArialArial  "State Code"%"GSTIN No. : " + allt(company.gst_no)ArialArialempty(mast_cur.gst_no)("Tax is Payable on Reverse Charge : Yes"4": " + iif(empty(bill.city),mast_cur.city,bill.city)ArialArial "Place of Supply"Arial  "TAX INVOICE"amountArial tax_order = 1Arial tax_order = 1"Total" )"Visit Us At :www.sharadchandrapshah.com"Arial tax_order = 1m.invoice_copyArialArial¸"Any discrepancy in the bill should be informed to us within a period of 7 to 10 days from the date of the bill. If there is no response, it will be understood that the bill has been "Arialˇ"understood and accepted by you wherin YOU will make payment as per bill amount with no changes. After the period of 7 to 10 days , no Amendments will be made."Arial 5"Account Name Bank name Account No. IFSC Code Branch"Arial |": Sharadchandra P. Shah Agency Pvt Ltd : The Saraswat Co-op Bank Ltd : 356500100007776 : SRCB0000356 : SME Nariman Point""..\graphics\sign.png"": " + allt(job.ship_line) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no) "Shipping Line"": " + allt(job.port_load) Arial!empty(bill.job_no)Arial!empty(bill.job_no) "Port of Loading" _p_header _p_header + 10ArialArialArialArialArialArialArialArialArialdataenvironment_Top = 220 Left = 1 Width = 520 Height = 200 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment"