P@DRIVER=winspool DEVICE=Microsoft Print to PDF OUTPUT=PORTPROMPT: ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=9 COPIES=1 DEFAULTSOURCE=15 PRINTQUALITY=600 COLOR=2 YRESOLUTION=600 G*winspoolMicrosoft Print to PDFPORTPROMPT:Microsoft Print to PDFP/ odXXLetterGIS4DINU"$,?]{~ SMTJ{084F01FA-E634-4D77-83EE-074817C03581}RESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITResolutionResOption1ColorModeColor,V4DM p"O4wMH5L*@VDocumentUserPasswordDocumentOwnerPasswordDocumentCryptSecurityArialac_descAllt(company.signatory) Arial"M/s " + allt(ac_desc) Arial": " + dtoc(date()) Arial"Date" Arial "For " + Allt(company.comp_name) ArialALLT(MAST.AC_ADD1) Arial "Dear Sir," Arial"We hereby confirm that the above balance is correct as per our books of account. (Signature with rubber stamp & Income Tax Number)" Arial"Our account shows a " + iif(cl_bal>0,"Debit", iif(cl_bal<0,"Credit","")) + " balance of Rs. " + allt(str(iif(cl_bal>0,cl_bal,cl_bal*-1) ,10,2))+" ("+ IntegerToWords(str(iif(cl_bal>0,cl_bal,cl_bal*-1) ,10,2))+" ) as on " + dtoc(_fi_ed_dt)Arial"If it is tally with your books of accounts then kindly confirm the same by signed duplicate copy of this letter along with your Income Tax Number and return same to us." Arial"If there is any discrepancy, please let us have your detailed statement of accounts. If we do receive any comments within 15 days in this regard then we will assume that the above balance correct and acceptable to you." Arial`"Your early action in this matter will be highly appreciated. Thanking you, Yours faithfully," ArialCOMPANY.COMP_NAME ArialALLT(COMPANY.ADDRESS1) + " " + ALLT(COMPANY.ADDRESS2) + " " + ALLT(COMPANY.CITY) + " " + ALLT(COMPANY.STATE) + "-" + ALLT(COMPANY.PIN_CODE) Arialb"PHONE-" + ALLT(COMPANY.PHONE) + " FAX-" + ALLT(COMPANY.FAX) + " E-MAIL - " + ALLT(COMPANY.E_MAIL) Arial#"CIN NO. : " + ALLT(COMPANY.CIN_NO)  Roman 12cpi#"PAN NO. : " + ALLT(COMPANY.pan_no) Roman 12cpiArialArialArialArialArialArial Roman 12cpidataenvironment_Top = 220 Left = 1 Width = 520 Height = 200 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment" DRIVER=winspool DEVICE=Microsoft Print to PDF OUTPUT=PORTPROMPT: ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=9 COPIES=1 DEFAULTSOURCE=15 PRINTQUALITY=600 COLOR=2 YRESOLUTION=600 G*winspoolMicrosoft Print to PDFPORTPROMPT:Microsoft Print to PDFP/ odXXLetterGIS4DINU"$,?]{~ SMTJ{084F01FA-E634-4D77-83EE-074817C03581}RESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITResolutionResOption1ColorModeColor,V4DM p"O4wMH5L*@VDocumentUserPasswordDocumentOwnerPasswordDocumentCryptSecurityArialac_descAllt(company.signatory) Arial"M/s " + allt(ac_desc) Arial": " + dtoc(date()) Arial"Date" Arial "For " + Allt(company.comp_name) ArialALLT(MAST.AC_ADD1) Arial "Dear Sir," Arial"We hereby confirm that the above balance is correct as per our books of account. (Signature with rubber stamp & Income Tax Number)" Arial"Our account shows a " + iif(cl_bal>0,"Debit", iif(cl_bal<0,"Credit","")) + " balance of Rs. " + allt(str(iif(cl_bal>0,cl_bal,cl_bal*-1) ,10,2))+" ("+ IntegerToWords(str(iif(cl_bal>0,cl_bal,cl_bal*-1) ,10,2))+" ) as on " + dtoc(_fi_ed_dt)Arial"If it is tally with your books of accounts then kindly confirm the same by signed duplicate copy of this letter along with your Income Tax Number and return same to us." Arial"If there is any discrepancy, please let us have your detailed statement of accounts. If we do receive any comments within 15 days in this regard then we will assume that the above balance correct and acceptable to you." Arial`"Your early action in this matter will be highly appreciated. Thanking you, Yours faithfully," ArialCOMPANY.COMP_NAME ArialALLT(COMPANY.ADDRESS1) + " " + ALLT(COMPANY.ADDRESS2) + " " + ALLT(COMPANY.CITY) + " " + ALLT(COMPANY.STATE) + "-" + ALLT(COMPANY.PIN_CODE) Arialb"PHONE-" + ALLT(COMPANY.PHONE) + " FAX-" + ALLT(COMPANY.FAX) + " E-MAIL - " + ALLT(COMPANY.E_MAIL) Arial#"CIN NO. : " + ALLT(COMPANY.CIN_NO)  Roman 12cpi#"PAN NO. : " + ALLT(COMPANY.pan_no) Roman 12cpiArialArialArialArialArialArial Roman 12cpidataenvironment_Top = 220 Left = 1 Width = 520 Height = 200 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment"