Ţ@%ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=9 COLOR=2 Arialbill_no="Rs. " + IntegerToWords(allt(str(deb_cre.net_amt))) + " Only"Arial_pageno = _pagetotal"Amount" Arialtot_amtArial!empty(amount) "Particular" Arialallt(ac_desc);particularArialdeb_cre.net_amtArial_pageno = _pagetotal "Net Amount" Arial_pageno = _pagetotal "S.No" ArialALLT(STR(_SL_NO))Arial!empty(amount)  allt(deb_cre.notes)Arial_pageno = _pagetotal   _pageno = _pagetotalALLT(company.comp_name) Arial"M/s " + allt(deb_cre.ac_desc)Arial…allt(company.address1) + allt(company.address2) + " " + allt(company.city) + " " + allt(company.state) + "-" + allt(company.pin_code) Arialallt(company.signatory) Arial_pageno = _pagetotal "For " + Allt(company.comp_name) Arial_pageno = _pagetotal"E.&.O.E. Notes : " Arialallt(str(deb_cre.BILL_NO))Arialttod(deb_cre.bill_dt)Arial "Bill No." Arial "Bill Date" Arial":" Arial":" Arial]"Phone : " + allt(company.phone)+ iif(!empty(company.fax)," Fax : " + allt(company.fax),"") Arialq"GST No : " + allt(company.gst_no) + " PAN No : " + allt(company.pan_no) + " CIN : " + allt(company.cin_no)Arialµ"2. Any discrepancy in the bills should be brought to our Notice with 7 Days receipt of. Bills at your and disputes any will be subject to courts applicable Jurisdiction only" Arial_pageno = _pagetotal F"1. Cheque/DD should be drawn in favour of " + Allt(company.comp_name) Arial_pageno = _pagetotalf"3. All Payment should be made in favour of & Bill wise Details should be provided with Payment." Arial_pageno = _pagetotal  "...Contd" Arial_pageno != _pagetotal?"Page " + allt(str(_pageno)) + " of " + allt(str(_pagetotal)) ArialMallt(mast.ac_add1)+ iif(!empty(mast.ac_add2),chr(10) + allt(mast.ac_add2),"") Arialdeb_cre.ref_inv_noArial "Ref Inv No" Arial":" Arial!"GSTIN No : " + allt(mast.gst_no) Arial!empty(mast.gst_no) "Freight" Arialamount Arial!empty(amount) "CGST" Arialcgst_amt"@Z"Arial "SGST" Arialsgst_amt"@Z"Arial "IGST" Arialigst_amt"@Z"Arial 7oFbc.FullQRCodeImage(deb_cre.einv_qr_code, , 9 * 33, 2)!empty(deb_cre.einv_irn)!"IRN : " + allt(deb_cre.einv_irn)Arial"Qty" Arial1Arial tot_amtArial!empty(amount)amountArial!empty(amount)cgst_amtArial!empty(amount)sgst_amtArial!empty(amount)igst_amtArial!empty(amount)1Arial "HSN/SAC" Arialcharges_cur.hsn_codeArial  cgst_rateArial!empty(cgst_amt) sgst_rateArial!empty(sgst_amt) igst_rateArial!empty(igst_amt)"%"Arial!empty(cgst_amt)"%"Arial!empty(sgst_amt)"%"Arial!empty(igst_amt)ttod(deb_cre.ref_inv_dt)Arial!empty(deb_cre.ref_inv_dt) "Ref Inv Dt" Arial":" ArialALLT(company.comp_name) Arial8iif(deb_cre.inv_type = "DBN","Debit","Credit") + " Note"Arial_sl_no00ArialArialArialArialArialArialArialArialdataenvironment_Top = 220 Left = 1 Width = 520 Height = 200 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment" %ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=9 COLOR=2 Arialbill_no="Rs. " + IntegerToWords(allt(str(deb_cre.net_amt))) + " Only"Arial_pageno = _pagetotal"Amount" Arialtot_amtArial!empty(amount) "Particular" Arialallt(ac_desc);particularArialdeb_cre.net_amtArial_pageno = _pagetotal "Net Amount" Arial_pageno = _pagetotal "S.No" ArialALLT(STR(_SL_NO))Arial!empty(amount)  allt(deb_cre.notes)Arial_pageno = _pagetotal   _pageno = _pagetotalALLT(company.comp_name) Arial"M/s " + allt(deb_cre.ac_desc)Arial…allt(company.address1) + allt(company.address2) + " " + allt(company.city) + " " + allt(company.state) + "-" + allt(company.pin_code) Arialallt(company.signatory) Arial_pageno = _pagetotal "For " + Allt(company.comp_name) Arial_pageno = _pagetotal"E.&.O.E. Notes : " Arialallt(str(deb_cre.BILL_NO))Arialttod(deb_cre.bill_dt)Arial "Bill No." Arial "Bill Date" Arial":" Arial":" Arial]"Phone : " + allt(company.phone)+ iif(!empty(company.fax)," Fax : " + allt(company.fax),"") Arialq"GST No : " + allt(company.gst_no) + " PAN No : " + allt(company.pan_no) + " CIN : " + allt(company.cin_no)Arialµ"2. Any discrepancy in the bills should be brought to our Notice with 7 Days receipt of. Bills at your and disputes any will be subject to courts applicable Jurisdiction only" Arial_pageno = _pagetotal F"1. Cheque/DD should be drawn in favour of " + Allt(company.comp_name) Arial_pageno = _pagetotalf"3. All Payment should be made in favour of & Bill wise Details should be provided with Payment." Arial_pageno = _pagetotal  "...Contd" Arial_pageno != _pagetotal?"Page " + allt(str(_pageno)) + " of " + allt(str(_pagetotal)) ArialMallt(mast.ac_add1)+ iif(!empty(mast.ac_add2),chr(10) + allt(mast.ac_add2),"") Arialdeb_cre.ref_inv_noArial "Ref Inv No" Arial":" Arial!"GSTIN No : " + allt(mast.gst_no) Arial!empty(mast.gst_no) "Freight" Arialamount Arial!empty(amount) "CGST" Arialcgst_amt"@Z"Arial "SGST" Arialsgst_amt"@Z"Arial "IGST" Arialigst_amt"@Z"Arial 7oFbc.FullQRCodeImage(deb_cre.einv_qr_code, , 9 * 33, 2)!empty(deb_cre.einv_irn)!"IRN : " + allt(deb_cre.einv_irn)Arial"Qty" Arial1Arial tot_amtArial!empty(amount)amountArial!empty(amount)cgst_amtArial!empty(amount)sgst_amtArial!empty(amount)igst_amtArial!empty(amount)1Arial "HSN/SAC" Arialcharges_cur.hsn_codeArial  cgst_rateArial!empty(cgst_amt) sgst_rateArial!empty(sgst_amt) igst_rateArial!empty(igst_amt)"%"Arial!empty(cgst_amt)"%"Arial!empty(sgst_amt)"%"Arial!empty(igst_amt)ttod(deb_cre.ref_inv_dt)Arial!empty(deb_cre.ref_inv_dt) "Ref Inv Dt" Arial":" ArialALLT(company.comp_name) Arial8iif(deb_cre.inv_type = "DBN","Debit","Credit") + " Note"Arial_sl_no00ArialArialArialArialArialArialArialArialdataenvironment_Top = 220 Left = 1 Width = 520 Height = 200 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment"