! Arial WINDOWS @(winspoolHP DeskJet 640C SeriesLPT1:HP DeskJet 640C Series”~Ý€ 4š dýÿÌÚºÌÚº RLdÍ«ŸDRIVER=winspool DEVICE=HP DeskJet 640C Series OUTPUT=LPT1: ORIENTATION=0 PAPERSIZE=9 COPIES=1 PRINTQUALITY=-3 COLOR=2 DUPLEX=1 TTOPTION=1 COLLATE=0 ac_desctot_amt Arialac_desc Arialbill_dt Arialallt(str(bill_no)) ArialArial"M/s"Arial"Date"Arial "Bill No."Arial "Ttl.Amt.""Page " + ALLTRIM(STR(_PAGENO))Arialtot_adv ArialArial "Ttl.Adv."net_amt ArialArial "Net.Amt."Arial"To,"Arial"SUB:- OUTSTANDING PAYMENTS"Arial "Dear Sir,"Arialg"We would like to draw your kind attention to the following outstanding amount which are long overdue."Arial "Sl. No."allt(str(_sl_no)) ArialArial>"You are requested to kindly expedite payment. Thanking You." "For " + allt(company.comp_name) Times New RomanArial"Authorised Signatory"date() - bill_dt + pen_day ArialArial "Overdue By"ALLT(company.comp_name) Times New Roman9allt(company.address1) + chr(10) + allt(company.address2) ArialÆiif(!empty(company.phone),"Phone-" + allt(company.phone) + " ","") + iif(!empty(company.fax),"Fax-" + allt(company.fax) + " ","") + iif(!empty(company.e_mail),"E-Mail - " + allt(company.e_mail),"") ArialArial"Date :"date() Arial_sl_no00ArialArialArialArialTimes New RomanTimes New RomanArialdataenvironmentLLeft = 278 Top = 266 Width = 520 Height = 200 Name = "Dataenvironment"