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Amt."Arial  "Freight"Arial "Amount" allt(CONT_NO) + " " + allt(SIZE) ArialAMT ArialArial "Container No"Arial "GR No"ALLT(STR(GR_NO)) Arial BILL.net_amt ArialArial  "Net Amount"AMT Arial BILL.net_amt Arialbill.bill2_amt Arial!empty(bill.bill2_amt)bill.bill2_desc  Roman 12cpi!empty(bill.bill2_desc) BILL.s_tax_amt Arial0bill.s_tax_con = .f. and !empty(bill.s_tax_amt) ªallt(BILL.s_tax_desc) + iif(!empty(BILL.taxable)," On " + allt(str(BILL.taxable,10,2)) + " of " + allt(str(BILL.on_rate,5,2)) + "% of " + allt(str(BILL.tot_amt,10,2)),"") Arial0!empty(BILL.s_tax_amt) and bill.s_tax_con = .f.  BILL.ec_amt Arial0bill.s_tax_con = .f. and !empty(bill.s_tax_amt)  BILL.ec_desc Arial-!empty(BILL.ec_amt) and bill.s_tax_con = .f.  BILL.tot_amt ArialBILL.tot_amt <> BILL.net_amt ArialBILL.tot_amt <> BILL.net_amt   "Gross Total"BILL.s_tax_amt Arial0bill.s_tax_con = .t. and !empty(bill.s_tax_amt) ªallt(BILL.s_tax_desc) + iif(!empty(BILL.taxable)," On " + allt(str(BILL.taxable,10,2)) + " of " + allt(str(BILL.on_rate,5,2)) + "% of " + allt(str(BILL.tot_amt,10,2)),"") Arial0bill.s_tax_con = .t. and !empty(bill.s_tax_amt)  BILL.ec_amt Arial-!empty(BILL.ec_amt) and bill.s_tax_con = .t.  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Notes : "allt(str(BILL_NO)) Arial bill.bill_dt ArialArial  "Bill No."Arial  "Bill Date"Arial ":"Arial ":"A"Phone : " + allt(company.phone)+ " Fax : " + allt(company.fax) Arial\"PAN No : " + allt(company.pan_no)+ chr(10) + "Service Tax No : " + allt(company.ser_tax_no) ArialArial Ø"2. Any discrepancies in the bill should be brought to the notice of the company within 2 week of bill date. 3. Service Tax is payable by Consignee/Consignor. 4. All dispute subject to Delhi Jurisdicition only. "Arial  "DECLARATION"Arial å'(a) "Certified that no CENVAT credit is being availed by us under CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 in respect of Input Goods/ Capital Goods/ Input Services used for providing taxable services of Transportation of Goods by Road."'Arial “'(b) " For the service of Transportation of goods, by road in a goods carriage benefit of Notification No. 1/2006-ST dated 01/03/2006 is availed."'"Consignee : " + gr.consignee Arialallt(gr.job_no) Arial gr.job_dt ArialArial "B.E./S.B. No."Arial "Date"Arial ":"Arial ":"a"1. Cheque/DD should be drawn in favour of " + Allt(company.comp_name) + " payable at New Delhi." Arial,"(Subsidary of Gateway Distriparks Limited)" Arial"Inland Container Depot" Arial BILL.hec_amt Arial0bill.s_tax_con = .f. and !empty(bill.s_tax_amt)  BILL.hec_desc Arial-!empty(BILL.ec_amt) and bill.s_tax_con = .f.  BILL.hec_amt Arial-!empty(BILL.ec_amt) and bill.s_tax_con = .t.  BILL.hec_desc Arial-!empty(BILL.ec_amt) and bill.s_tax_con = .t. Arial 1"5. Provide Bill No. with cheques while payment."wt ArialArial "Weight" wt Arial ""..\graphics\gatewayrail_logo.jpg"round(toll_tax,0) ArialArial "Toll" _sl_no00_p_h00_wtwt0ArialArialArial Roman 12cpiArialArialArialArialdataenvironment_Top = 220 Left = 1 Width = 520 Height = 200 DataSource = .NULL. Name = "Dataenvironment"